Saturday, August 14, 2010
8:32 PM | Posted by
Tagua nuts are seeds from a palm tree varietal that is typically found in northern South America. These seeds are used by artisans and made into fantastic and colorful bead jewelry. In terms of the way they look, they are very similar to ivory but are more affordable and eco-friendly. With the emergence of the global green movement, more and more tagua nuts are now being used instead of elephant husks which help in the preservation of these animals without having to sacrifice the demand for beautiful ornaments and accessories that can pass for ivory.
Let me give you a little background about the tagua plant itself. Tagua plam trees grow at a very slow rate. When they reach 35 years of age, they don’t even exceed the height of seven feet. This type of tree bears huge clusters of woody fruit. Each of these clusters weighs around 25 pounds. The fruit itself can contain around four to nine seeds/nuts. The nut shape and size is same as that of a hen's egg.
Tagua nuts have other names in the market. They are also called Corozo, mococha and vegetable ivory. Tagua nut was first used in the land of art and fashion way back in 1750. They were first used in making animal carvings until such time thay they discovered the nuts can also be used in button and bead production.
Because tagua seeds are so similar with ivory, more and more artisans are now using it in producing jewelry and other accessories. They can be made into bracelets, necklaces, home ornaments and so much more. The possibilities are endless for this type of fruit. So if you are looking for unique pieces of jewelry that is eco friendly at the same time, try tagua nuts. You may have just found a new love for these kinds of seed jewelry.
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