Jade Beads Finesse and Function
Saturday, May 29, 2010
It is a fascinating thought when modern times adapt to what may be the trend in the early days. Take for example jewelries. Many stones and gems that are widely utilized as a jewelry supply today are used even in the past as part of a jewelry piece, an ornament or even a weapon.
One good example of such versatile stone is a jade. When we think of a jade stone, we would imagine a green stone often in bracelets and jewelries. However, other colors are also present in jade such as pink, black and white jade stones that are affluent in Myanmar. We are just too stalled by the overbearing quantity of the color green jade stones.

Jade has two types namely the Nephrite, meaning kidney, and the Jadeite. Jadeite is the green colored stones often seen and used by many people these days. Although these stones may look mundane and homogeneous with other stones and gem, jade has its own finesse and function that can entice even the most regular person in the world.

Aside from its beauty, this precious stone are believed to treat disorders related to our loins and kidneys. Often we find jade bracelets in older folks and reckon this as a fashion accent. But, little did we know that these are purposely worn for health reasons.

Jade stones are also used in decorating some craft works like jewelries, home decorations and other frills in the body. Jade beads are commonly found in necklaces, bracelets, rings, bangles and even on hair accessories and belts. These stones are even included in weapons like amulets and swords.

The captivating aspect of jade beads is its beauty that could create a graceful appeal to anyone wearing them. Today, women regard fashion as partly a necessity and luxury. The need to look practically great entails the need to make use of everything fashionable as well as functional. People seek jade stones because of its versatility and beauty.

Whatever role it portrays hundreds and thousands of years ago, it still plays the same part even these days.


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