Monday, May 31, 2010
11:34 PM | Posted by

Jewelry created from beads of different materials that are combined together can produce a stunning and exclusive personal fashion statement for you. Cats eye beads is one of those natural gems that can easily attract attention. Cats eye beads are also referred to as fiber-optic beads. They are called as such because they have a band of light that runs through the center which resembles that of a cat’s eye. These colorful beads change hue as they capture and reflect light. As such, they can be made to match your getup and give you that overall look of flair and fashion.
With cats eye beads, you don’t only keep up with what’s trendy and hot, but you also tap into that power source of energy that helps give you clarity and free you of stress. This is because cats eye beads are amazing sources of such powers too. They encourage passion for life, enhance willpower and drive your will for success. Cats eye beads boost self esteem, give courage, determination, and strength.

Now, when people see you wear a handcrafted cats eye beaded necklace, or earring, or bracelet for example, and they see how good you look in it, and how you are living the happy life you have, you might just start a whole new trend yourself that people will start buying similar accessories. So never be afraid to explore what you think will look best on you. Keep exploring and reinventing yourself. Keep learning something new. This endeavor need not be expensive with affordable and powerful natural beads available almost everywhere for you.
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